Ingenious CECL solutions with CECL Express – Community Bank 400 – 500 million

The Client Institution type: Community Bank Balance sheet size: $450m – $500m Number of active loan pools: 33 Pool Designation Class or Call codes: Class Code. How CECL Express helps Choices available to calculate Expected Credit Losses (ECL): The client is using the Roll-rate method out of the 5 options provided in CECL Express. Roll-rate […]

Ingenious CECL solutions with CECL Express – Community Bank up to 400 million

The Client Institution type: Community Bank Balance sheet size: $300m – $350m Number of active loan pools: 12 Pool Designation Class or Call codes: Class Code. How CECL Express helps Choices available to calculate Expected Credit Losses (ECL): The client is using the Roll-rate method out of the 5 options provided in CECL Express. Roll-rate […]

Ingenious CECL solutions with CECL Express – Community Bank up to 1 billion

The Client Institution type: Community Bank Balance sheet size: $750m – $1b Number of active loan pools: 42 Pool Designation Class or Call codes: Call Code. How CECL Express helps Choices available to calculate Expected Credit Losses (ECL): The client is using the Roll-rate method out of the 5 options provided in CECL Express. Roll-rate […]

Ingenious CECL solutions with CECL Express – Community Bank up to 100 million

The Client Institution type: Community Bank Balance sheet size: $40m – $50m Number of active loan pools: 96 Pool Designation Class or Call codes: Class Code. How CECL Express helps Choices available to calculate Expected Credit Losses (ECL): The client is using the Roll-rate method out of the 5 options provided in CECL Express. Roll-rate […]

Ingenious CECL solutions with CECL Express – Community Bank 750 million to 1 billion

The Client Institution type: Community Bank Balance sheet size: $750m – $1b Number of active loan pools: 47 Pool Designation Class or Call codes: Class Code. How CECL Express helps Choices available to calculate Expected Credit Losses (ECL): The client is using the Roll-rate method out of the 5 options provided in CECL Express. Roll-rate […]


IFRS 9 and the DCF methodology The accounting models for credit impairment have received a big boost from the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The FASB has proposed the current expected credit loss (CECL) accounting standard to calculate expected credit losses in the US. The International Financial Reporting […]